The Library of Objects

The Object Library Panel

The object library can be found in the Library panel. To open the panel when it is hidden, use the Library button Library button in the toolbar.

Objects in the library are grouped into categories by types. To open the contents of a category, tap on its icon. The Favorites category can be used to gather objects that you are currently working with.

Library of objects

Object's Popup Menu

To open the popup menu, long-press on an object. The menu includes these commands:

Objects added to the library by the user can also have:

When an object in your project is selected, the popup menu in the Library can show two more commands:

Actions Menu

To open the actions menu, tap on a gear icon at the top of the panel.

The basic menu includes these commands:

Extra commands that become available when one or several objects are selected:

Customizing the Object Library

You can use the Create Category and Delete commands from the actions menu to add and remove object categories. The standard categories cannot be removed.

Other commands from the menu let you work with individual objects. Using the Cut, Copy and Paste commands, you can duplicate objects or move them from one category to another. The Delete command can remove user's objects. Any standard object cannot be deleted or moved to another category.

Adding New Objects to the Library

Objects imported into your project can be stored in the library. To add an object from your project to the library:

  1. Open a category in the library where you would like the object to be stored. It is recommended that you add new objects to a custom category.
  2. Long-press on an object in your project and choose Add to Library from the context menu.

An alternative way is to copy an object from the project and paste it to an appropriate category in the library.

Updating an Object in the Library

After editing an object in your project, or after applying new materials to it, you may want to replace the old object in the library with its new version. In fact, you can replace an object with an absolutely different one. The standard objects cannot be updated in this way.

To replace an object in the library with an object in the project, select the object in your project. Then long-press on the object in the library and choose Substitute with Selection in Project from the context menu.

Exporting and Importing User's Objects

One or multiple objects, that you added to the library, can be exported as a *.lhzl file. This file can be imported on the same or another device in order to add items that are inside it to the library.

To export, choose Edit in the actions menu. Select one or multiple objects in the library. Then bring up the actions menu again and choose Export Library Archive.

You cannot export objects of the standard or any additional library.

To import, open the context menu and choose Import Library Archive. After that, select a *.lhzl file.

Imported objects will be added to a category with the same name as one in which those objects were originally located. The respective category will be created automatically if it is not present in your library.