Working with Roofs

Roof Properties

The geometric properties of roofs are located in the Object Properties tab of the Inspector.


1 – The type of the soffit. You can choose either basic, simple, horizontal, or box end soffit.

2 – The maximum size of the fascia.

3 – The elevation of the roof in relation to the floor level.

4 – Select another roof side. The two buttons select roof sides in a circle forward or backward.

5 – The list of segments of the selected roof side and parameters of each segment.

6 – Add a roof segment above the selected one.

7 – Delete the selected roof segment.

8 – Add a roof segment below the selected one.

9 – The roof segment type. Slope creates a tilted segment. Gable makes the segment vertical. Hole makes the selected segment disappear.

10 – The angle of the selected roof segment. You can adjust the angle of Slope segments only.

11 – The height of the selected roof segment. Note that you cannot modify the height of the uppermost or a sole segment.

12 – The thickness of the selected roof segment.

13 – The overhang distance of the selected roof segment.

Additional Settings for Dormer Windows

Dormer properties

1 – The maximum size of the fascia.

2 – The elevation of the dormer in relation to the floor.

3 – Dormer width.

4 and 5 – Angles of the left and right sides of the dormer. Changing these angles, you change the dormer top view from rectangle to trapezium or parallelogram.

6 – Keep dormer angles equal while changing one of them.