Working with Projects

Saving Projects

To save a project when the 2D or 3D view is open, tap on the menu button and choose the corresponding command: Save or Save As.

The Save Supplied Content in Project option in the Project section of the Settings panel lets you choose whether to save actual objects from the standard library in your project file, or save only links to these objects in the library. Whatever you choose, it will not affect the way you work with the project. Saving objects in the project guarantees that it will not be dependent on the version of the app (the contents of the library may change by a major update). On the other hand, projects that store only links to objects can take less disk space. Modified and imported objects used in the project will always be saved in the project.

If you plan to view the project on a device where Live Home 3D is not installed, export your project as graphic files.

Saving Templates

A template is a project saved in a dedicated folder. You can use a template as the basis for new projects.

To save your current project as a template, tap on the menu button and choose Export > Save as Template.

Once you have saved a custom template, the app doesn't retain the link between the open project and the template. To update the template after modification, use the Save as Template command from the menu.